

 currently the background on my computer..mmm

I am living in the future. In Italy, to be exact. Dreaming of all I will do, see, eat, wear. It seems too good to be true. But boy, I hope it's true. 
For now, I must take hold of the present. I have so much for which to be grateful. There hasn't been a cloud in the sky, my family is wonderful, and I am happy to be home, even for just a few days. 
I have been particularly mesmerized by fall colors lately. Obviously, every post of mine has had something to do with the season. But more of how the colors coordinate. Something about the blue sky, orange leaves, and green grass. It photographs well. It is a joy to gaze upon. I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this post. I'm not quite sure what I am doing at all right now. But I know that I am joyful. I know that I have so much joy ahead of me. And so much joy before me. 
I haven't been inspired much lately--just content. And as the definition goes, I guess that's alright with me. 
All these photos were found on tumblr or pinterest
And a big thank you to tumblr for letting me know my obsession with Jason Bateman isn't weird. He's so handsome, and THAT HAIR. 
Alright, enjoy your Saturday. We are having a low country boil on the farm. I know you're jealous. 

 We were born only yesterday and know nothing, and our days on earth are but a shadow.
        Job 8:9

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