Hi everyone! Here is a small update on my life. I have been all over the place. Raleigh, Columbia, Macon, back to Raleigh, and now I am heading to DC while on the way to Niagara Falls and Toronto. I am trying to make the most of this in between time. They say youth is wasted on the young, but I don't want that to apply to me. Adventure should be a constant in life. I can't say I don't get anxious, going to all of these new places without my standards of comfort. But life is too short to simply seek what is familiar. But before I share with you all of those adventures, let me show you home.
This is Tucker. He's had a hard summer, he lost his buddy Wylie to a long battle with cancer. We miss him terribly, but are glad he's no longer suffering.
My dad turned 53 last week. I am so incredibly thankful for him and so glad we got to celebrate together on a beautiful summer night.
My sister and her baby picture, found while sifting through and purging all of our unnecessary possessions. This one is a keeper.
Until next time!