So, on Sunday I returned from the Deep Run Horse Show, at which Heartthrob and I were reserve champion! It is a beautiful show with great accommodations and rich, colorful scenery. However, most of the weekend the exhibitors and spectators felt like muffins in the oven. Days with a 90 degree high were seen as a blessing from above. I drank more water and gatorade last weekend than I have in the last three years. It's amazing, though, how much cooler the body is when it's hydrated. Anyways, here is a picture from the show.
I love my horse. With him there is never a dull moment, unlike many of my encounters with people. To love an animal is something special. And for them to return the favor, well, its just incredible. Especially these massive creatures that could kill me in an instant. It's a feeling that only those who have experienced it can understand. I'm sure going to miss him next year.
Well, the last few weeks have been busy ones, chock full of errands, friends over, and preparing for horse shows. Although, I somehow manage to sneak some relaxing/tanning/reading time into the chaos. I've already read 5 books, the same amount I read throughout all of last summer. I finished Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers on the way back from Deep Run, and, let me just say, I could read it over and over again. It's captivating. I seriously recommend it. And yesterday I read all of The Choice by Nicolas Sparks. That was a page turner as well. My next book is The Reason for God by Timothy Keller. It was recommended for college freshmen at Getaway and I hope to begin it tonight.
Below is one of my outfits I wore last week, I was about to leave for dinner with my good friend Elizabeth. I am seriously in love with these shorts. The army green is perfect with the high waist. I'm following the military inspiration, but not as seriously as some. The shirt, shorts, and shoes are from Urban Outfitters. The necklace is vintage.

Lately I have been watching many old films. Last week I watched the movie "Peyton Place" and it was fabulous. I am fascinated with the clothing, and just how beautiful everyone was back then (the movie was made in 1956). And on Sunday night I watched "A Letter to Three Wives," which was made in 1949, and in black and white. Again, all the women were gorgeous! And so classy. What happened? About the classy part, I mean. People these days are still beautiful, irritatingly so.
I believe my favorite verse I read last week, following my nightly reading of 1 Corinthians, was verse 8:1 which goes like this:
"Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up."
It is so true. It seems like everyone these days wants to learn more and more, but at the end of the day it will not make you strong. It cannot bring genuine satisfaction. Only the love found in Christ can keep you on track. In Crazy Love, the writer says to treat everyone as if they were Jesus. Boy, doesn't that put this love into perspective? Love everyone as if they were Jesus. It's tough, but I'm trying my best to keep that in mind.
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