Yesterday I had the pleasure of accompanying these wonderful girls to a farm outside of Peekskill, NY. We saw trees, leaves, picked pumpkins and apples, and got our fill of Fall and nature that we don't get in the city. We rode trains, soaked in the mountain air, and laughed all day. It was such a perfect day and I am so amazed at how God continues to bless me here in New York. I have big news, if you haven't heard. I got an internship! And not just any internship, but one at an incredible PR agency, Edelman. I am so excited and relieved to have this last piece of the puzzle to make New York a sure thing, at least for now. The Lord has provided in so many ways, and much more than I ever expected. I've been tested, that's for sure. But I know He wants what's best for me. I am thankful beyond words for Him and the people He has given me to support me. Wow.
This is my new friend Melanie.
This is my other new friend Micah.
And this is my incredible blessing of a roommate, Whitney.
I don't think days can get much more perfect.
Until next time!