So I am in the library now surfing the web. Don't worry, Mom! I have no exams this week, thank goodness. This is, however, a wonderful place to update blogs. I may just come here every time I have material for a new post. The picture above is of me, taken just a few minutes ago with my phone. Photo credit goes to my wonderful roommate, Erin. I am wearing my lovely Gucci glasses, a Velvet top, J. Crew skirt, Sam Edelman biker boots, and my fantastic Millard Fillmore raincoat. It's cold in here.
I am so glad to finally be wearing fall clothes. It takes a while to get cool here in Columbia, in fact it was about 83 degrees today, but I fought it. I believe the outfit above was climate-friendly yet fall-forward. I have loved the sound of my suede boots on the brick walkways. And I have gotten to wear my new fall Chanel lipstick. Rouge Coco in Chintz. It's very light, but I am loving it!
Last weekend was initiation. I am now officially a Kappa Kappa Gamma! I love my sisters. There were times, though, when I needed some support from the Holy Spirit and God's word while at our sleepover. I found an amazing verse in the process.
"Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
lead me in the way everlasting."
Psalm 139:23-24 (emphasis mine)
Love, Love, LOVE that last phrase. How true is that? The way everlasting. All the other paths we seem to take fail us in the end. They are terminal. With God, though, we can BE everlasting. Such a beautiful word. It may just be my new favorite. God is great, that's for sure. That verse perfectly described my feeling at the time, and I was instantly comforted. I have learned that the Holy Spirit always finds a way to save us from Satan, how incredible is that? Just come to him and He will protect you like nothing else on this Earth can.
I just wrote a blog post for the South Carolina school magazine website. Please,
check it out! I am working with some truly creative, passionate and talented writers. My new alias: RedLips. I thought it was very fitting. My post is all about the beauty that lies in every person on this campus. I have decided to go on a mission to find all the beautiful people. Beauty as in REAL beauty. Not cosmetic, photo-shopped, surface-deep beauty. I will be posting the pictures I take up here as well. My post for
Garnet&Black will be up by next Wednesday, I believe. The 3rd.
Oh, and I am looking for different people's definition of beauty. Please comment with your own opinion.